Sometimes something is getting lost when we didn't notice it.

It's hard to say that I wanna be with you for long, or 
that I believe family can be always together ,or 
everyone will be good to each other no matter what happens.

We may lose some trust because of a tiny accident,a stranger,or a word.
It's hard to be remained when trust has been broken. 
"We are only human beings. "
That's the only explaination from you.
Anyone can make faults. However,we are not that generous to forgive.

Why am I telling you this?
It's because I've found some relationship breaking down.
Secretly,slowly,but truly happens.
How can I ask myself to get the old days back?
Since I don't even agree about what they've done.

"I am only human being."
This is my only explaination.
If someday, when we get together but some people aren't there with us,
don't be sad. That's life which may bring he same block of feather together.
I don't wanna be the one among them.
So I quit!

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